Syria civil war combat videos

The Syria civil war - now being called the worst global conflict in 20+ years - is unique in the history of war due to the number of combat videos uploaded to YouTube by activists with digital cameras. There are 100s if not 1000s of new videos each day across various sites. Below are lists of websites which publish original videos.
Websites which aggregate videos:
*Syria Channel Listings (ca. 2012) - the mother lode of primary source channels (and aggregation channels at the end). Compiled by Brown Moses.
*Bellingcat - interesting posts about weapons used in the war. Learn more who Brown Moses is here.
* - an aggregator that focuses on some of the more intense and brief combat footage.
*Watching Syria's War - annotated videos from the New York Times
*Bartolo's Blog - articles and videos updated daily
*International Law on Syria - formerly SyriaWatch formerly SyriaResearch
*Reddit Combat Footage and Syrian Civil War - subreddit crowdsourcing threads
*ANNA videos - more about ANNA here
This powerful video, The Bombing of al-Bara, shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians.
